Keep Persevering Towards Publishing and Marketing with Julie Sunne

I’m jumping for joy today to have my friend Julie Sunne on the show.

Julie is the author of Sometimes I Forget: 60 Reminders of Hope for Your Hard Days. She and I met years ago in the Compel membership of Proverbs 31 ministries back when I first felt the nudge to write a book (which ya’ll I’m doing it his year!)

It’s been incredible to get to see the journey that God has taken Julie on and as a first-time traditionally published author!

Julie Sunne, author of Sometimes I Forget: 60 Reminders of Hope for Your Hard Days, shares what’s working for her to market her first traditionally-published book, even without a large platform on the Book Marketing Mania podcast.

I couldn’t wait for Julie to share what’s working for her to market her book especially as an author who in her own words “doesn’t have a huge platform”.

Julie Sunne, author of Sometimes I Forget: 60 Reminders of Hope for Your Hard Days, shares what’s working for her to market her first traditionally-published book, even without a large platform on the Book Marketing Mania podcast.


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[00:09] Julie's New Book: Inspiration and Audience

[01:25] Personal Struggles and Faith

[02:28] Bonding Over Special Needs

[02:50] Book's Practical Use and Encouragement

[05:12] Julie's Author Journey

[07:20] Marketing Strategies and Challenges

[08:19] Podcast Tour and Its Impact

[14:36] Authenticity in Book Marketing

[24:17] Perseverance and Success in Publishing

Sometimes I Forget: 60 Reminders of Hope for Your Hard Days

Julie's website

How to Conquer Your Book Marketing Anxiety (ep 139)

Finding Spiritual Rest in a Chaotic World (ep 123)

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